Are you freaking serious? Who killed my herbs? I have been growing these inside my back door since the first freeze and they have been doing so good. I have basil, thyme, and sage growing in this pot and I use them all the time. They are in a perfect spot where they get nice sun, I have fed them and have treated them, oh so, nice. But yesterday afternoon I walked in the kitchen and this is what I found. Really? How did this happen? It took me a while to figure it out. But remember my Three Word Thrusday picture yesterday? I took that cute heart picture right out side my back door, WITH THE DOOR OPEN. Needless to say the tempature yesterday morning was 2 degrees with the wind chill well below zero. I had no idea the damage that would do to my percious indoor herb garden. The hybiscus tree that they sit under suffered no damage, so I am going to try to bring these guys back to life, but I will not be using fresh herbs in my cooking for awhile. Dang, dang, dang, double dog dang.
I hope you haven't tossed it out. Sometimes the tops freeze but the roots are still alive. It just may come back in the spring.
Posted by: Sue | February 06, 2011 at 10:08 AM