Recently I started the Beth Moore bible study, Esther – It’s tough being a women. Although I had done this study several years ago, it amazes me how I glean something new each time I study any part of God’s word. Esther and Beth Moore are really getting into my business. In the first two weeks, the study has made me think about when I am feeling threatened by a situation or someone in my life, what is the history behind that threat. Why am I reacting in such a negative way? Why is it I feel the need to conform to the culture around me by never being beautiful enough, skinny enough, “healthy” enough, etc. (insert your “failure” here)? As a women who is into the second half of life, you would think that I would no longer be concerned with such things. But I often find myself feeling as though I will never measure up to the “enough” women in my mind. Our world is mean in that we are constantly bombarded with the perfect illusion of what a women is supposed to be in the media. Although I know that it is all smoke and mirrors, I can’t help but have that never “enough” feeling, apparently for my whole life. Silly me, I thought I would grow out of this by now. Thank goodness there is a God, if I listen to his words, I know that I will always be loved enough and beautiful enough. It’s tough being a woman in a mean world.
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