If you have followed this blog for any time at all you recognize that I have not been around much this year. I am still here doing my creative thing. I just have not been posting much. There is no excuse or reason other than I have lost sight of my purpose for this place where I share my thoughts, creative ideas, and just a bit of my life. However, I feel I am back on track, my purpose has been renewed and I am ready to reenter the land of my blog-o. So let the blogging begin once again and thank you for your patience.
Lately I have seen several crafts that at first I am not sure what they are made of. And with closer inspection I realize they are out of plastic spoons. These mirrors have got to be the best thing I have seen using plastic spoons. Over at Little Things Bring Smiles, Katie gives you a step by step instructions on how to do this craft. I am getting ready to redo my girls’ empty bedrooms and you can bet one of them will have a plastic spoon mirror hanging it in. You can also count on the fact that I will post the results here so that you can see my finished project. I love how three dimensional they are and a bit art deco. I love, love, love them.
Here is another craft with plastic spoons that took me a minute to figure out. Seriously, I have got to try this one, you never know when you will need a plastic flower. It just looks so fun, I cannot tell you how many times I have been sitting around a wedding reception or other party were there are plastic cutlery and candles when someone does not start to melt the “silverware”. Now I can actually create something cute. You can get a full tutorial over at Krafty Kat.
Here is one more that I think looks great and also took a second to figure out what it was made of. It looks like a Laurel wreath, pretty cool, huh. The Nesting Place also has great instructions so that you can make one too. So here's to plastic spoons and all of the creative things you can use them for other than eating.
Today I tried a craft that I have never tried before and it is just the perfect thing to keep tweens busy this summer. I know I do not have any tweens in my home any more, but I do have a niece, Judiann, and I just know she and her friends are going to love this project. While browsing on Pinterest, I found this idea of melting plastic craft beads and making sun catchers and my personal favorite, artsy bowls. These melted bead bowls end up looking a little retro to me and remind me of the mixing bowls that look like this.
Which then reminds me of my other niece Amanda, who is just beginning a business call RETROspective by Design. She is into creating and repurposing all things retro. I made my bowls with mostly clear beads, but I am thinking if you use the solid color beads and split them into colors you will come up with bowls that even more closely resemble their old time counterparts. Here is how I made retro bowls.
I covered a round pan with foil and filled the bottom with beads, making sure that there was only one layer and all spaces were covered with beads. Place the pan in 400 degree oven for 20 minutes or until the beads have totally melted. This is really, really hot. I would suggest adult supervision for this part. I know tweens think they can do it, but dang, spilling hot, melted plastic on yourself would probably require a trip to the ER and keep you out of pool for a couple of weeks. Not a good start to Summer.
You end up with disc of plastic which is what I originally found on Pinterest as a sun catcher. But if you cover a bowl with foil, center your plastic disc on it, and place it back in the oven it will begin to melt down the sides of the bowl.
This does not take very long, so you can literally watch this happen. It’s pretty cool.
This was my first try, I used clear pink, clear red, clear iridescent, plain clear, and a sprinkle of solid pink. All of these colors turned out great except the iridescent, they kind of look yellowish. I would not used them unless your color scheme was yellows or oranges.
My second try I used mixed clear with a sprinkle of solid white and instead of a bowl to melt the disc over I used a square tin can. These are so fun, easy, and I love the end result.
I am participating in the following link ups: Somewhat Simple, Fireflies and Jellybeans, Gluesticks, Beyond the Pikcet Fence, Momnivore's Dilemma, The Shabby Chic Cottage, Blooming Designs, Bubble Nature Creations, Liz Marie, Addicted 2 Decorating, House of Hepworths, Stuff and Nonsense, Finding Fabulous, The Shabby Nest, Truly Lovely, Simply Sweet Home, Bubbly Nature Creations, The Answer is Chocolate, Sassy Sites, I Gotta Create, The CSI Project, Sisters of the Wild West, Boogieboard Cottage, It So Very Cheri, DIY Showoff, Natasha In Oz, I Should Be Mopping the Floor, Between Naps on the Porch, Skip to My Lou, Todays Creative Blog, Coastal Charm, Ladybug Blessings, Domestically Speaking, The Thrifty Home, Blue Cricket Design, Fabric Bows and More, My Girlish Whimms, Seven Thirty Three, Sew Much Ado, Someday Crafts, Lil Luna, Mama Hens Coop, {Primp}, Vintage Gwen, Frugally Sustainable
Oh, my heck! I have known for a long time that I really, really, really, like espresso. Well, actually, I like the espresso that is in the “2 pump, sugar free vanilla, breve latte, extra hot” that I have been ordering from my local Starbucks for a long time. My habit has become somewhat of an expensive one, but I can stop any time, really I can. So I decided to cut cost on my beloved lattes. I figured I would purchase my own espresso machine. I did my research for the best one that I could buy for the cash I had available (Kohl’s Cash after the holidays). I had around $100 of Kohl’s Cash to spend, but also knew if I just waited long enough the espresso machine that I was wanting would go on sale and I would have enough to purchase it without any additional out-of-pocket money. Bingo, espresso machine on sale for just a smidgen more than my Kohl's Cash would cover. I brought my new purchase home and I have become even more of an espresso fan. Now, my order has a double shot of espresso in it. If one is good, two has to be better, right? I do believe a problem is brewing, because this week my thoughts went to, “If two is better, three has to be the bomb.” Wow, I really do {heart} espresso.
I know that I am a bit late this week in posting the fun, creative, crafty things I have been doing around here lately. But I have had a new opportunity that has come my way (I will post about that at a later date) and I just have not had a moment to sit down and write a post. Scrabble is a game that I remember my Grandma Nelson playing all the time with us as kids. Even though I played this game often, it did not help me in the spelling department. I am not sure if Grandma let me get away with misspelled words or I am just a very slow learner. Even so, there is just something nostalgic about the game Scrabble for me. I have purchased individual Scrabble tiles in the past for projects and you know me if little Scrabble letters make me happy, giant ones should make me jump up and down with joy, right? I have to admit that is pretty much true. I literally did this project in one hour. I cut 1 x 6's into 6 inch squares, cut the letters out of adhesive vinyal with my Cricut machine, stuck them onto the wood squares, quick spray with clear coat, and wallah! Giant Scrabble tiles.
Because I wanted my tiles up for more than just Valentines day. I made three additional tiles so that I could spell out our name. Four of the tiles have the letters LOVE on one side and our name on the other. It does not take a lot to make me happy.
I am participating in the following link ups: Between Naps on the Porch, The DIY Showoff,Boogiboard Cottage, Its So Very Cheri, Sew Chatty, Dittle Dattle, Sew Can Do, Keeping It Simple, Skip to My Lou, Coastal Charm, Ladybug Blessings, Today's Creative Blog,Sugar and Dots, My Girlish Whims, The Thrifty Home, Blue Cricket Design, Sew Woodsy, The Tablescaper, Sumo's Sweet Stuff, Making the World Cuter,Itsy Bitsy Paper, So Much Ado, One Tough Mother, Sweet Peas and Bumblebees, Handy Man, Crafting Woman, Women Who Do It All, Seven Thirty-three, Someday Crafts, Tea Rose Home. Lil' Luna, Momma Hen Scoop, Sugar and Dots, {Primp}, Sommewhat Simple, Fireflies and Jellybeans, Tales From Bloggeritaville, Gluesticks, Momnivore's Dilemma, Beyond the Picket Fence, The Shabby Creek Cottage, Simply Sweet Home,Truly Lovely, Finding Fabulous, The Shabby Nest, Someday Crafts, Passionately Artistic, Goodbye city, Hello suburbs, Handy Man, Crafty Woman, Make it Great Monday,Vintage Gwen, Sew Country Chick, 5 Minutes Just for Me, Sew Country Chick
This week Anna received this beautiful cupcake from a girlfriend of hers. Ashley is getting married in May and she wants Anna to be in her wedding as a bridesmaid. Wow, what a cute and fun way to ask your friends to accompany you on your big day. The cupcake not only was cute but even came with its own little "diamond" ring and tasted good as well. If this is what it looks like for Ashley to ask her bridesmaids, I cannot wait to see the wedding.
Linked up to: Today's Creative Blog, One Tough Mother, Silly Little Sparrow, Skip to My Lou, Sugar and Dots, My Girlish Whims, The Thrifty Home, Blue Cricket Design, Sew Woodsy, The Tablescaper, Sumo's Sweet Stuff, Making the World Cuter,Itsy Bitsy Paper, So Much Ado, One Tough Mother, Sweet Peas and Bumblebees, Handy Man, Crafting Woman, Women Who Do It All, Seven Thrity-three, Someday Crafts, Tea Rose Home. Lil' Luna, Momma Hen Scoop, Sugar and Dots, {Primp}, Sommewhat Simple, Fireflies and Jellybeans, Tales From Bloggeritaville, Gluesticks, Momnivore's Dilemma, Beyond the Picket Fence, The Shabby Creek Cottage, Simply Sweet Home,Truly Lovely, Finding Fabulous, The Shabby Nest, Someday Crafts, Passionately Artistic, Goodbye city, Hello suburbs, Handy Man, Crafty Woman, Make it Great Monday,Vintage Gwen, Sew Country Chick, 5 Minutes Just for Me
Several years ago there was a dishwasher recall and ours was part of it. Up to that point, I had put up with a dishwasher that sounded like an airplane taking off in my kitchen as well as a pitiful job in cleaning our dishes. So I was all over the fact that the manufacturer was going to give $700 toward our replacement. My research found a ultra quite dishwasher with a stainless steel inside that was close to the top of the line, not quite but I was not willing to pay "that" much over the $700 I was given. Fast forward a couple of years and Jeff is complaining about our "crappy" expensive dishwasher and we need to look into a new one. The stainless steel is no longer shiny but chalky white and the dishes are covered with that chalky white grossness as well. Jeff did his job of cleaning out the hoses, I was using that blue liquid rinse stuff that is supposed to make your dishes sparkly clean, as well a scrubbing the inside of the machine only to have it be chalky white in just a few washes. We were ready to give up when I saw this Dishwasher Magic at Lowes one day. The label says, "This dishwasher cleaner and disinfectant removes mineral stains, lime scale, iron/rust, calcium build-up, and food particles which can clog the water jets in your dishwasher and reduce its performance." All in one use. With the condition of our dishwasher, I figured if one bottle was good two had to be better. So I purchased two bottles.
Right next to the Dishwasher Magic, was Finish, a tablet type dishwasher soap, that states right on the box if you are not completely satisfied after using one box you are guaranteed your money back. This product was probably threes more money that the store brand dishwasher soap I normally buy, but heck, if they will give me my money back why not try it. I am totally sold on both of these products. Dishwasher Magic cleaned my horrible dishwasher in one use with some chalky left, so the I used the second bottle and it came out sparkly clean. Just like new, I kid you not.
I have purchased my second box of Finish tablets and they are the absolute best. I do believe they are my new best friend. All of my dishes, glasses, and silverware have not looked this good since I took them out of the box. Really, I am amazed every time I open my dishwasher to really clean dishes. I am sold. I will used Dishwasher Magic once a month as the label suggests and Finish is my new soap, even if it is more expensive. Once again, I am able to not only enjoy the fact that I cannot even hear my dishwasher running, but my dishes are clean too. Who knew? And I give you theses little tips free of charge, because that is just the kind of gal that I am.
Sunflowers are something I look forward in September. Here in Kansas they grow wild everywhere. For some reason sunflowers seem to be a happy flower, unlike a violet that looks like it has a scowl on its face. Don't get me wrong I do love a bunch of pretty violets growing in the cool early spring, but they don't seem very happy about it. There's something about a field of sunflowers, wild or planted, and how their faces all face the same direction. I love that. Especially when I happen to be on the side they are facing I imagine that the whole field is watching me pass and applauding. Not sure if they would applaud just to see me or to see me pass by, but I'll take the applause where I can find it. Today the weather has been beautiful so I went out for a walk and found some September blooms.
First of all I do not have a big fancy camera, but I do a have a little fancy camera that I love and I think takes some pretty wonderful pictures. (Can I say that and not sound braggadocious?) I use a Canon PowerShot S95 and I carry it everywhere I go just in case there is a good photo opp. There are very few times that I post a picture to my bog without some kind of editing, but today everything must have been just right because these turned out so clear, and the color is out of this world. There has been no editing to these photos. Cool, huh?
I went for my walk not thinking that I would go off the path, so I just had on sandals, but had I known that there was such good pictures to be taken I would have worn some boots. As it was, I went off the path anyway and now I am all itichy but the results were worth the suffering.
I did not even notice all of the bugs on this plant until I brought it up on my computer and I was a little creeped out. These puppies had to have been everywhere because these flowers/weeds/plants are everywhere.
I like looking at things through the lens of a camera and have found in my hobbiest kind of way that you can even make a weed look pretty.
Yesterday, my daughter Anna and I went to the local Borders Book store closing sale. We were in search of fun craft books that we would not normally buy but rather borrow from our public library. With the "everything must go" sale going on we figured these books would be more reasonably priced and besides that we had a gift card that needed using before the store went out of business. Material Obsession 2 book was the one that I just had to have. Just look at the picture of the rows of fabrics. I open to this picture fist and the book had me. This kind of image just makes my mind go crazy with ideas and inspiration. I can spend hours in a fabric store, my children can back me up on this one, just looking at all of the artistic design and bright colors.
Here is a picture of me taken back last January at a great little fabric store in Lawrence, Sarah's Fabrics. I could have spent hours there just browsing. There is just something about textiles that makes me want to touch them, imagine, and then ultimately create something from them. Now this is going to sound a little "cheese ball", but I think they speak to me. For real!!!
I am here to tell you I am not a toe kind of gal, in fact, they kind of creep me out which is a good reason to keep them looking good at all times. Here is one of the hottest colors of nail polish for the Summer. It is OPI, "You Don't Know Jacques". I absolutely love it. As I am one who has never had a professional manicure or pedicure, I am always looking for the newest colors so as appear to have had a professional job. OPI is my favorite brand of polish, in fact that is the only kind that I own. My experience has proved that the couple of extra dollars up front means a longer time between re-dos. As I do my polish myself, that means I only have to totally do a new pedicure about every three weeks. I must admit that I did not actually buy this color, the daughter, Lindsey, brought it over the other night and I knew that I just had to have it. I will be purchasing this color for myself soon. The color reminds me of a nice cool glass of chocolate milk, yummy.
Over the weekend I joined a new creative social network. And boy doggies, I am totally addicted. The website is Pinterest. You can browse around without joining, but once you join, that's when the fun begins. All you do is basically bookmark or "pin" things that you see on the internet that you like and then others respond by "like" or "repin" your "pin". I knew something was up somewhere on the internet as there were several of my older posts like Bed to Front Porch Bench, Pink Christmas Ball Wreath, and Homemade Peppermint Bath Salts that were coming up with a tons of hits. Now, I know that someone had "pinned" them on Pinterest. I am just warning you now DO NOT even get started because you will not be able to stop looking at Pinterest. I just think of it as a little vacation throughout the day. But BEWARE your time will fly away on Pinterest. Happy pinning :o)
This morning my daughter, Lindsey, hosted a sewing class in my Stitches by Sturman studio. She kept getting gals she knows asking to teach them to sew so she organized a sewing class. The gals brought 1 1/2 yards of fabric along with stuffing and other embellishments for their pillows. Lindsey did a great job helping the gals with their first sewing projects. She asked me to be there for moral support and to help with any snags that might come up. The class started at 9:30 am so we had an offering of muffins and coffee as well.
My studio is not used to having company so I had to spend a good part of Friday afternoon cleaning up and making the place presentable.
Lindsey was able to work on a pillow of her own. She made a pillow out of one of my Dad's wool shirts. She kept the button placket and pocket to embellish the fron,t it turned out super cute and she plans on putting it on her bed. I never did get a picture of the finished pillow.
This was really fun and such a great idea it may not be the only "Sew Excited" class there will be.
One of my close friends asked me to fancy up a package for her niece's graduation gift. As far as I am concerned, the wrapping of a package is just as important as what you might find inside. If the outside looks fabulous the anticipation of what is hidden beneath the wrapping is much greater. And besides, I love making presents look good, it just the kind of gal that I am.
Choosing some jars of embellishment from my shutter supply holder, I decided to make some hair clips that will not only fancy up the package but can used later as well.
First I crocheted some small flowers and the use millinery flowers and little jewels to give a bit of a sparkle. I then hot glue them to alligator clips. They can be used clipped onto a headband or just directly into your hair.
What a fun package for graduation with a bonus of hair clips besides. Side note: I love the owl gift wrap. I tell you, owls are everywhere.
I am participating in the following link ups: Today's Creative Blog, Coastal Charm, A Silly Little Sparrow, Lady Bug Blessing, All Things Heart & Home, Its Sew For You, Blue Cricket Design, The Thrifty Home, Sew Chatty, Fabric Bows & More, My Girlish Whims, Handy Man, Crafty Woman, Women Who Do It All, Seven Thirty Three, Sew Much Ado, Someday . . . Crafts, Tea Rose Home, Lil' Luna, Momma Hen, Sugar and Dots, Tales From Bloggeritaville, Sweet Peas & Bumbulebees, The Shabby Chic Cottage, Beyond the Picket Fence, Somewhat Simple, Its So Stinkin Cute, Firelies and Jellybeans, Gluesticks, Tidy Mom, Simply Sweet Home, Its Fun to Craft, Its a Hodgepodge Life, The Shabby Nest
Update: I was able to offer a free download of this as a PDF file click here.
Late last Fall I wanted to try my hand at this digital scrapbooking craze I keep seeing all over blog-ville. I began to research digital scrapbooking software. I wanted something easy to use with not only lots of style options, but I also did not want to invest much money in case I was not able to figure it out. As you know, I am self taught in most of what I do creatively and there are times I am just not a good enough teacher to continue with a particular skill. The program I decided to use is Scrapbook Max. I have found it very simple to use and there are hundreds if not thousands of different kinds of elements that you can download. Now that I have some knowledge of the ins and outs of this program I decided to try my hand at a spring banner for the hearth.
I chose the Cotton Tail Kit to make the elements that would make up my banner and then printed them on card stock.
After cutting out each tag and backgrounds, I used foam pop ups to adhere the tags to the backgrounds to give them some dimension. Then using brads and millinery flowers embellished each.
Using an exacto knife I cut a slit 1 1/4" down from the top large enough to allow the ribbon to thread through it.
Next, with several different colors of pastel ribbon, I tied bows and then hot glued them between each letter and added just a tag to the beginning, end and between each word.
There you have my first digital scrapbooking project. If I can figure out how to upload the pdf files of this, I will share it with. If you have any ideas of how to do this or can direct me to a website, let me know.
I am participating in the following link ups: The DIY Showoff, Boggieboard Cottage, Its So Very Cheri, The Girl Creative, Sumo's Sweet Stuff, Between Naps on the Porch, Skip to My Lou, Coastal Charm, Ladybug Blessings, Today's Creative Blog, All Things Heart & Home, Blue Cricket Design, Fireflies and Jellybeans
These are my boots. I have had them for over a year now and they have to be one of my favorite pairs of shoes. They weren't even that expensive and in fact I got them on sale after Christmas last year. There is just something about seeing that squared off pointy tip sticking our from underneath my jeans that gives me that, "I can accomplish anything" sassy kind of attitude. Maybe its the fact they are kind of cluncky sounding on the wood floor, so you know when I am coming. You can hear if I am in a hurry, have a determination in my step, or trying to sneek out of church to go back up and join the worship team to sing the closing songs. They do have a bit of a heel on them, so maybe its that additional 2 1/2 inches or so that gives me a different perspective. I am not sure what it is but there is just something about them that gives me confidence that I don't otherwise have when I am wearing ballet flats. With Spring fast approaching, maybe there is a sandal out there that could do the same thing for me, hmmm. I'll let you know.
Here it is the day before Valentines day and what if you have not done anything for the one that you love? Well, it is not too late and here are some great, fast, and easy ideas to make your Valentine smile. I cannot take the credit for these adorable paint chip valentines. My niece, Judianne, made these for her classmates. What a creative idea for some unique valentine cards. You just go by your local Wal-Mart or Home Depot and pick up some pink and red paint chips, use some stamps and glitter pens and there you have it some super cute valentines. But wait, you need to have a sweet treat to go along with you card.
This is so easy to make and I love the way it looks. This treat just screams happy Valentines day. All you do is spread some pretzels on a foil covered cookie sheet. Melt some white chocolate almond bark and drizzle it over the pretzels. Using your choice of Valentine candies and sprinkles, you just sprinkle them over the almond bark. Let the bark harden and break it up and put in cello bags and attach you paint chip cards. I got this idea from My Computer is My Canvas.
This is so easy even a two year old can do it. I had the privelge of having a play date with my little friends Payton and her brother Colton last week and we enjoyed making some of this Valentine bark for our families.
I am participating in the following link ups: Between Naps on the Porch, Skip to My Lou, The DIY Showoff, Keeping It Simle
During our snow storm last we week when we were stuck in the house, Lindsey and I were bored and needed to come up with something creative to do. She had just had her cast replaced and it was just plain white. Empty space means a place to be creative. Grandma was working on a quilt and she had some scrapes of fabric hanging around. So we had the idea of Mod Podging Lindsey's cast with the quilt scrapes.
We began by cutting out the flowers from the scrape fabric.
Then using the Mod Podge and a sponge brush we started to cover the cast with the flowers being careful to smoothe out the fabric and overlap as we went. We coverd the whole cast leaving the inside of the palm clear.
Lindsey then used a blow dryer to set the Mod Podge. We then put a second coat on just to make sure that all of the edges of fabric were well secured.
And there you have it a DIY cute cast.
I am participating in the following link ups: The DIY Showoff, Its so Very Cheri, Skip to My Lou, Today's Creative Blog
This is as far as we got this morning shoveling out of our big snow from yesterday. I don't know how those people do it who live in places where they get this kind of snow on a regular basis. These piles of snow on either side of the driveway are about 3 to 4 feet high. Jeff and I started at 6:00 am and worked for over an hour and we still have another 1/3 of the driveway yet to do. We got enough shoveled for Jeff to get out this morning, but I am not going anywhere as the center of the culdesac has at least 18" to 20" as the snow blows from the burm and stays in the middle of our street. Until we get a plow in here, we are stuck. During the last snow a week or so ago, it took until around 3:00 pm for the plow to make it to us. I am not hopeful for today. However, the sun is shinning and there is nothing better or brighter than snow shinning on a new blanket of snow. My yard looks like it is filled with diamonds.
This was the front porch yesterday afternoon. This moring the gorilla (yeah, Pittsburg State) and the snowman were covered in snow. All I could see was the head of the snowman and poor Gus was totally buried.
At the height of the blizzard, we could barely see across the back yard.
My Mom and I had a bet going, she thought the snow would cover the wagon and only the handle would be seen. I have to admit she was on the way to winning, as at one point the snow was up to the writing on the side, but with the wind blowing through, you can even see more of it today. Sorry, Mom I win :o)
Because I work at home, this is what I call snowed in, too bad it just does not keep me from working. Now I cannot see out, I cannot drive out, I am feeling a bit claustrophobic, I may need recusing by the end of the day. If I start feeling sweaty and my legs start twitching I'll call for help. Does 911 come for a self-employed gal going stir crazy?
Forever, Jeff has wanted a telescope. So when a friend of ours offered to give him this refurbished telescope, he was over the moon, ha, ha. Just so no one gets any weired ideas, this window does not face any houses, but into a field across the road from us, so there is no peeping going on here. Our kids are so making fun of us saying that we started out with just a bird feeder and watching the birds that gathered in the yard and now we are looking at the stars. This is really an empty nester kind of thing. Next thing they know, we will be booking our Fall foliage tour. But looking at the stars is awesome. Although we do live on the edge of town, there still is too much light pollution to see very much from our house. But the other morning we were able to get a great look at the moon. Soon we are going to pack up our new telescope and take it out to the country and do some real star gazing. Maybe a little wine and cheese, sounds like a date to me, not an empty nester thing:o)
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